Code of Conduct

Coaches/Team Managers/Match Officials Code of Conduct 
Cricket Victoria’s General Code of Behaviour, as a Coach/Team Manager/Match Official in any activity held by or under the auspices of Cricket Victoria, a Community Cricket Peak Body, a Region or an Affiliated Club and Association you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event:
1. Operate within the rules and Spirit of Cricket and teach your players to do the same.
2. Remember that young people participate for pleasure and winning is only part of the fun.
3. Instruct all players to avoid time wasting. Incoming and outgoing batsmen are expected to pass on the field of play.
4. Instruct bowlers to return to the start of their run-up quickly and be ready to bowl without time wasting.
5. Instruct all fieldsmen to move quickly between overs and whenever required to change position, i.e. field setting and changes be undertaken without time wasting
6. Ensure that players conduct themselves in a manner that conforms to the traditional image of the game of cricket.
7. Ensure that their actions serve the best interests of the players from both sides
8. Ensure the match is conducted in manner that serves the best interests of Junior Cricket
9. Instruct Members, Players, Officials, Parents and Spectators from their club, of their obligation to behave in a manner that serves the best interest of Junior Cricket.
10. Make every effort to remove Members, Players, Officials, Parents and Spectators from the venue of the match who are not behaving in a manner that serves the best interests of Junior Cricket.

Junior Players Code of Conduct 
Cricket Victoria’s General Code of Behaviour, as a player in any activity held by or under the auspices of Cricket Victoria,
a Community Cricket Peak Body, a Region or an Affiliated Club and Association you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event:
1. Play by the rules and within the Spirit of Cricket.
2. Never argue with an umpire. If you disagree, have your captain, coach or manager approach the umpire during a
break or after the game.
3. Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials and sledging other players, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviours in cricket.
4. Work equally hard for yourself and your teammates. Your team’s performance will benefit and so will you.
5. Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays whether they are made by your team or the opposition.
6. Treat all participants in cricket as you would like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another competitor.
7. Co-operate with your coach, teammates and opponents, without them there would be no competition.
8. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
9. Participate because you enjoy it, not just to please parents and coaches.
10. Participate fairly and safely.
11. Do not engage in practices that affect sporting performance (alcohol, tobacco and drug use)
12. Respect and acknowledge the contribution of those who create the opportunity for you to play.
13. Respect your coach and train and play to the best of your ability. Develop your participation in accordance with the Spirit of Cricket.

Spectator Code of Conduct 
Cricket Victoria’s General Code of Behaviour, as a spectator in any activity held by or under the auspices of Cricket Victoria, a Community Cricket Peak Body, a Region or an Affiliated Club and Association you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event:
1. Most players (in particular children) participate in Cricket activities for fun. They are not participating for entertainment of spectators only.
2. Applaud good performance and efforts by all players. When watching a game congratulate both teams upon their performance regardless of the game's outcome.
3. Respect the umpires’ and coaches decisions. If there is a disagreement, follow the appropriate procedure in order to question the decision and teach children to do likewise.
4. Never ridicule or scold a player for making a mistake during a competition. Positive comments are motivational.
5. Condem the use of violence in any form, be it by administrators, coaches, players, umpires or parents/guardians.
6. Show respect for your team's coach, the umpire and opponents. Without them there would be no game.
7. Encourage players to play according to the rules and the official decisions, and develop your own knowledge of the rules.
8. Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not using foul language, and not harassing administrators, coaches, players or umpires.
9. Support the use of age appropriate development activities and modified rules.